Friday, March 7, 2014

Health Care for All Including Illegal Immigrants

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On March 5, 2014, MICHELLE MALKIN published an article called Lead Story: The inevitability of
Obamacare for illegal aliens. The author’s intended audience is to inform the general public or tax payers of how in Oregon this week officials have confessed that nearly 4,000 illegal immigrants had been “accidentally” steered from the state’s low-income Medicaid program and instead were enrolled in Obamacare in violation of the law. Meaning that, “inaccurate” data was submitted and passed through government hands and now this illegal immigrants have full-service health care. Arguing that it is unfair for those millions of law-abiding American’s who have lost their   healthcare coverage and too see nearly 4,000 illegal immigrants accepted into the Obamacare is a “slap in the face.” 

The article is well written and it does focus on how the system failed miserably when it came to singing up nearly 4,000 illegal beneficiaries. It also mentions other programs such as States Children’s Health Care Insurance Program (S-CHIP) a program that currently helps undocumented children. It also points out that in California illegal immigrants qualify for medical coverage if they are not in the process of deportation. 

Another concern of the author is that the problem is still not fixed and many more illegal immigrants are still registering and becoming beneficiaries of the Obamacare illegally. The last day for anyone to sign up for Obamacare is March 31st of this month and wonders how many more illegal immigrants will continue to sign up and be “eligible for full-blown” medical coverage through the Obama Healthcare. 

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I can see how the authors claim is credible, but I do not agree that illegal immigrants should be denied access to healthcare. Clearly this was done “accidentally,” but we should think outside of the box. The bottom line is that illegal immigrants are hard working people like the rest of us in this country. Illegal immigrants do contribute to society weather you want to acknowledge that or not is up to each individual. The truth is that many illegal immigrants do in fact pay taxes without nothing in return, so why not offer them healthcare. I don’t deny that our tax money is contributed to illegal immigrants health care, but doesn’t everyone deserve a better quality of life. Lets not forget that this country is a country of immigrants denying them healthcare weakens our system even more. Or should they be left in misery and die or live in disease, but wouldn’t that affect us “legal people” in the long run? I think that having illegal immigrants pay for their insurance will decrease the burden on tax payer money that is now taken for programs such as S-CHIP or Medical Assistance Program.

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